Advil Liqui.Gels - 200mg

Barkodas: 0305730169400(EAN / EAN-13) 305730169400 (UPC / UPC-A)

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Produkto savybės

Kiekis: 200mg

Pakuotė: Plastique

Prekės ženklai: Advil

Kategorijos: en:Non food products, en:Open Beauty Facts, en:Medicine

Country: Prancūzija


→Ingredientai yra išvardyti pagal svarbą (kiekį).

10 69 LO 0573 Drug Facts (continued) Do not use if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any other pain reliever/fever reducer right before or after heart surgery Ask a doctor before use if stomach bleeding warning applies to you you have problems or serious side effects from taking pain relievers or fever reducers you have a history of stomach problems, such as heartburn you have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, asthma, or had a stroke you are taking a diuretic Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are under a doctor's care for any serious condition taking aspirin for heart attack or stroke, because ibuprofen may decrease this benefit of aspirin taking any other drug When using this product take with food or milk if stomach upset occurs Stop use and ask a doctor if you experience any of the following signs of stomach bleeding feel taint vomit biood have bioody or black stools have stomach pain that does not get better you have symptoins of heart problems or stroke trouble breahong of body est pain deys do

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→ Analizė grindžiama tik išvardytais ingredientais ir neatsižvelgiama į perdirbimo metodus.



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